Monday, September 28, 2009

Episode 1: 一鸡两味


1)菜园鸡 Choy Yuen Kai
2)拍姜 Smashed Ginger
3)拍葱 Smashed onion
4)盐 Salt


Prepare a pot to boil water.

Smashed the ginger and the spring onion。Add the smashed ginger and smashed onion into the boiling water.

3)把洗干净的菜园鸡放入烧开后的水里煮,把火关小让小火继续烧水,需时大约 30分钟左右。
Dip the whole chicken into the boiling water and reduce the fire and let it boil for 30mins。

Keep the boiled soup for later use in 2nd dish.

5)菜园鸡在水里煮熟后,将鸡捞起来,泡在冷水里约 30 分钟。
Once the chicken is done, take the chicken out and dip the whole chicken into cold water for 30 mins.

6)泡了冷水后,将鸡捞起,挂起来晾干,需时约 30 分钟。这样子晾干后的熟鸡,切出来的鸡块比较美观,皮与肉才不至于分开, 而且鸡肉更幼滑爽口。千万别企图斩切刚从锅里取出来的鸡,因为温度仍然很高,切出来的鸡快将很散,皮肉各分东西。
After 30 mins, hang the whole chicken up to dry for another 30mins. The reason for this is to dry up the chicken, and to avoid chopping up the chicken when it is still hot. As it will result to messy chunks of cut chicken, the skin will be detached from the chicken flesh and the texture will not be as smooth after hang it dry.

上海醉鸡 / 杞子当归醉酒鸡

If there is any left over Pak Cheat Kai, normally it will taste like rubber and most of the time, the left over chicken will end up in the bin. But with this style, we can re-make the Pak Cheat Kai into something new, and very delicious.

1)白切鸡 Pak Cheat Kai
2)上一道菜煮鸡用的汤 The Left over soup from the boiling of chicken earlier
3)绍兴酒 Chinese Cooking Wine
4)杞子 Kei Chee
5)当归 Tong Kuai
6)盐 Salt


Add the wine, the Kei Chee & Tong Kuai, salt into the soup (do not need to boil).

2)在鸡肉上抹上一些盐,然后把鸡肉存在冰箱里约 30 分钟。
Apply some salt onto the chicken and keep it in the fridge for 30 minutes.

3)把鸡肉放入刚才的绍兴杞子当归汤内,浸泡约 3 个小时。
Put the chicken together with the other ingredients in the soup. Soak it for 3 hours.

Serve cold.

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